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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Medicare and Our Social Compact

I would add that my Successful "Zamboni Liberation" was paid for by Medicare,our immensely successful Socialized Medicine Program, that has successfully benefited Millions of Americans who would otherwise be left out in the Cold, unable to even get the Minimum amount of Health Care needed to survive even the smallest Health Crisis!

Is this who we've Become? Apathetic Neighbors unwilling to help Our Brothers and Sisters, our Fellow Human Beings? Are these the Teachings of Jesus Christ, Gautama Buddha, Mahatma Gandhi, Mohammed, Martin Luther King& a 1,000,000 other Prophets&Saints who've stood up for the Least amongst us! Do you, as Human Beings, wish to see your Fellow Men & Women left naked to the Ill Winds of Fate? I surely don't and my guess is, neither do you!

Medicare, Medicaid&Social Security have saved countless Millions of American Citizens just like You&I! They're part of our Social Compact that defines us from the Eat or be Eaten Creatures of the Animal World! It's what Makes us Human Beings, Capable of extending a Compassionate Hand to help those unable to help themselves!

Remember the Parable of the "Good Samaritan"? I most surely do&my guess is the Bulk of you do to! That's a World I would be Proud to pass on to my Grand Children! Wouldn't you too?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

US Braces for Long Withdrawal Along Iraqi Road!

US Braces for Long Withdrawal Along Iraqi Road!

Finally, the Murderous Fraud that's cost Iraq an Entire Society&Infrastructure, all of their Oil, 1,6 Million Murdered Civilians, an Environment now Poisoned with Depleted Uranium that will continue to Kill&Maim for decades hereafter!

4,700 US Soldiers Dead, 45,000 physically maimed, 1.5 Million US Soldiers contaminated with the same DU Munitions&all, save a Psychotic few who love it, all of them Psychologically Maimed by PTSD & receiving Little or no treatment for their deep Psychological Wounds!

The Reality is that we'll never leave Iraq because we're bring it all Home every day&night and it will be here for Decades! That's the new Reality we all Face, get used to it!

100 Percent Scared: How the National Security Complex Grows on Terrorism Fears!

100 Percent Scared: How the National Security Complex Grows on Terrorism Fears!

We've got a self-Perpetuating Industry that's based entirely on Generating Fear! Fear that we're about to be attacked by yet un-named adversaries! The result of this National Panic Campaign has been to keep Americans so afraid of their own Shadow, that they'll pay no attention to the Real Problems that our Country Faces!

Our Federal Debt, Our 3 Actual Wars, Corporate Control of Congress and SCOTUS, the Unlimited, un-Regulated Resource Extraction Industry, The rise of the Summarily Ignorant Tea Party Created and backed by the Heirs of John Birch Society Founder, Fred C. Koch, the Koch Bros, Charles and David, Fund providers of all things Radical Right Wing!

They've out to Destroy the True Free Enterprise that did America so well during and after the Four Term Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his Policies of Capitalism under tight Regulatory Restrictions to prevent just exactly what we see today in the Imbalanced kind of Corporate Coverage we see in our MSM

To me These are the Real Issues that America Faces, and are Far more dangerous to our Survival as a Free Nation than any of these Hyped Up Threats that the MSM hopes to use as a Smoke Screen to hide their Machiavellian Intentions of Subjugating all Americans into Servile Ignorant Docile Slaves!

Is that what we fought all our Terrible Wars For? Not according to "REAL" History& not the Revisionist Crap they're attempting to feed US every day on FOXNEWS & All Right Wing Blogs! Stop paying attention to the Fascist Idiots, who've got nothing but bad intentions with every Propagandist move they Make!

When Breaking the Law Is Justified!/ Global Warming is a REALITY!

If we don't act quickly, we're headed for a catastrophic Global failure of being able to take remedial Actions to halt the buildup of Green House gases!
Sea Levels will rise uncontrollably and Temperatures will make Agriculture impossible&that will cause mass Starvation in Countries already suffering that condition! Do we have any common sense left?

I'm not sure we do! Act or Die!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Most Americans Blame Wars For Federal Debt

Most Americans Blame Wars For Federal Debt!/And they're absolutely correct!!!

GWB led us Falsely into an Illegal War so he could reward his Big Oil Buddies and wound up Slaughtering 1.5 Million Iraqis&Killing 4,700+ of our own Brave Soldiers, while reducing their once Highly Educated & Civilized Nation, although granted was run by a Psychotic Madman! Now it's a Nation so polluted with DU Munitions!

Both our own Soldiers and Iraqis will suffer countless Cancers! This war alone added $3 Trillion to our National Debt and left 40,000 Maimed Soldiers & thousands more suffering PTSD, who'll be needing $Billions more in Long Term Care!

And do you remember all the off-Budget $Billions in Special Requests that George Bush added to our National Debt, as he continued to pour our Tax Dollars into a Black Hole that the Iraq War became? Then we add to that the $Billions that the Afghan War has cost us and it becomes quite clear that these Wars have cost us $Trillions that we can Ill Afford!

So that's where our Phenomenal National Debt has come from, not from the Social Programs
that the Republicans wish, Willy Nilly to cut , thus leaving Millions of Americans to bear the
Brunt of the costs and suffering!

Hot, America? Climate Scientists Say, 'Get Used to It'! / All you Global Warming Deniers, you're the Dumbest SOBs on they Planet! Your Colossal Stupidity is Astounding! With the Evidence Burning your Balls Off, you still sit there and try to Manufacture Phony Crap about "If the World's getting Warmer. why are we Freezing our Asses off in Winter?",WTF? The World's Weather Patterns are changing, exactly what's been predicted for years! The entire World is an Integrated System&the System is severely out of Balance!!!

And Human Activity's the Reason! Evidence can be seen at every corner of the Earth! Rising Sea Levels, Droughts&Torrential Rain&Flooding, Polar&Glacial Melting in every Part of of the World! If Greenland melts, a 3' rise in Sea Level will put all the World's Major Cities under Water! Get off the Lobotomy Drugs&Delusions and Realize the "Butter Fly" Effect is REAL!

Still Paying Through the Nose, Labor Campaigns for Single Payer!/ The sane among us still believe in Single Payer Healthcare! When asking Canadians about how they like their Single Payer Healthcare System, the Unanimous Response was "We Love It"! That's what America needs and wants by a Broad Majority!

So when you hear the G-NO-Tea blaring their Trumpets to kill our current Healthcare Law, they're determined to Privatize all Government Functions, including Healthcare, guaranteeing that Americans will be condemned to paying through the nose for all their Future Healthcare needs!

Vermont just enacted the first truly Single Payer Healthcare System! The Voters of Vermont know which side their Bread is Buttered on! My take on the American People is that they want the same System and totally reject the Republican intention of turning Americans into slaves of
the Insurance Industry!

Admittedly, the Current Healthcare Law has far to much compromise made to the Insurance Industry, who're the main force behind killing Medicare, the most popular Government Program next to Social Security, which the Greedy Brokers&Bankers are salivating over, as they scheme to Privatize that next and take control of the $2.5 Trillion Social Security Trust Fund that they've not been able to Steal Yet!

So we should heed the Unions call for Single Payer and push for Revisions in the Current Law and Short Circuit the Insurance Industry's attempt to put us even more at their Mercy than we already Are! I say rather than demand Government Workers go find "Real Jobs", let's see all those Insurance Industry Executives&Salesmen go find Real Jobs, rather than Preying on the Fears&Life's Blood of all of the American Citizens who depend upon Medicare&Social Security to carry them through their Retirement Years!

There Is No Such Thing as a Free Market!/Here's the Reality of Capitalism, It doesn't Work without strict Regulatory Restraints! It's Cannibalism without them!!! The Bigger Fish always wind up Eating the Smaller Fish! Look at the Merger Madness that began with the Corporate Coronation of Ronald Reagan!

The '80s&'90s were a Feeding Frenzy, when Asserts were being Gobbled up like Gum Drops! Remember "Gordon Gecko"&"Greed is Good", that's really the Mantra of Greedy Capitalists! Screw the Little Guy!! Well that's not the Ethic of
People who care about the Plight of the Millions made Homeless by the Machiavellian Machinations of the Bankers who put all the Middle Class Assets up in a Crap Game that was played with Loaded Dice!

If we become like those Wall Street Bankers and Rob all Middle Class Workers of the Government Programs that serve as a Safety Net to Catch People when they
Fall on Hard Times or Provide Vital Health Care to ALL Americans, Medicare and Social Security, something we've put our Tax Dollars in for Decades, Programs WE own, Free&Clear!

The Bankers&Brokers can't wait to get there hands on the $Trillions in Social Security, they want to Privatize all of YOUR MONEY! WTFU, America, your Living a Nightmare, WAKE UP, for Christ's Sake, Literally!

The True Cost of Our War With Out End

Both our own Soldiers and Iraqis will suffer
countless Cancers! This war alone added $3
Trillion to our National Debt and left 40,000
Maimed Soldiers & thousands more suffering
PTSD, who'll be needing $Billions more in Long
Term Care!

And do you remember all the off-
Budget $Billions in Special Requests that
George Bush added to our National Debt, as he
continued to pour our Tax Dollars into a Black
Hole that the Iraq War became? Then we add to
that the $Billions that the Afghan War has cost
us and it becomes quite clear that these Wars
have cost us $Trillions that we can Ill Afford!

So that's where our Phenomenal National Debt
has come from, not from the Social Programs
that the Republicans wish, Willy Nilly to cut ,
thus leaving Millions of Americans to bear the
Brunt of the costs and suffering!

Monday, March 28, 2011

I want the People of America to Awaken to the Real Truth about exactly how so many Republican Fascist, YES Fascist, Congressmen&Governors got "Elected" in the 2010 Mid-Term Elections? Despite the FOXNEWS Deluge of Deceptive Dis-Information, do you think the American People Vote against their own Good!
The American People would never Consciously do something that Stupid! It was done using the Electronic Voting Machines and the Template for that was set in the South Carolina Primary Elections, in which a Total unknown, Alvin Greene, was "Chosen" to Represent the Democratic Opposition in the 2010 Mid-Term "Selections"! This was accomplished using the Electronic Voting Machines mandated by the 2002 Republican Congress&Senate! I've been watching this Issue Intensely since it's Inception! The supposed "Chaos" that occurred during the 2000 Presidential Election was used as an excuse for instituting the use of these un-Auditable EVMs (Electronic Voting Machines) to replace those "Confusing) Paper Ballots!
Then you Voted by the "Primitive" method of Pencil&Paper and the Mechanical Voting Machines and there was an Audit Trail, even a Signed Document Trail to conduct a Recount with! The Chaos in Florida's Dade County was staged and conducted by the Congressional Staffers of then-Rep Tom Delay and other Republican Congressman's Staffers!
After SCOTUS took the unprecedented step of awarding the Presidency to George W. Bush, despite strong evidence that the Election was actually won by Al Gore! Subsequent recounts showed that was indeed the Case and George Bush was Illegally appointed President of the United States and promptly led us into 2 disasterous Wars!
Those Wars have already cost the American People in excess of $1.5 Trillion Dollars and the Costs are still mounting unchecked by any Rational criteria or Objective analysis! War without end, that's where we're headed if we allow the DOD to proceed without putting the Brakes on this War Machine! This is OUR Future! Let us choose our direction with conscientious caution, my Fellow Citizens!
Now we see these Fascist Republican Governors attempting to erase 100 Years of American History and Supplant it with a Litany of Lies and Rewrites of Factual Events into Unrecognizable Gibberish Written by Lobbyists and Lawyers with the Sole Intent of Deceiving the Anesthetized, Somnambulistic American Public, who've been Deluged with Deliberate Deceptive Delusional Mis-Information that hardly Allows for a carefully thought out decision on what moves to make in your own Life
Pay Attention or Pay Dearly my Fellow Americans, for your very Lives depend on the decisions you make!